Jackie Crispin Brown

Sunset View





7 Reviews on “Jackie Crispin Brown”

7 reviews
  • 9addafd233c188749daa7c28d6f7685a?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Matt Mackay

    Jackie helps leaders think about who they are as leader, how they show up and how they will be their most impactful. Jackie stretches me to expand my leadership capacity, be grounded in my life and clear about the contribution I make. Yes Jackie is frank, she is also compassionate and brings a sense of lightness to the work. I have brought her into my organisation to help create a culture of leadership.

  • 9b0a54a1c6de1736e79dc67713141160?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Leigh Hart

    Our team started work with Jackie and her colleague in the midst of the pandemic.

    12 months later and we work and interact together very differently. The relationships within the team have improved greatly resulting a much more cohesive and effective team. The change in the way the team has worked has also enabled me to improve my approach to coaching the team rather than a series of one to one relationships.

    The outcome for the business, the team members and myself has been significant at a time when we have needed it most.

  • 2538c6c013679cb34ac9de482e47b720?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Jess Smaling

    Jackie has been working with me as my coach for the last few years. In my view, she’s a pretty unique operator. She has helped me to really get to the heart of issues I’m trying to resolve, rather than getting too distracted by context. Through our sessions together, I’ve acquired a range of ‘tools’ that aide me in my day to day work including practical ways to reflect, how to identify my personal defaults and manage some of my tendencies, how to frame difficult conversations, and how to encourage team collaboration and development. Jackie balances being an empathetic supporter to being a constructive challenger. I really enjoy her style and she’s hugely valuable in my leadership journey.

  • 685a3f5e3c232c8fdde38b77e88e2337?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Phillipa Blakey

    Jackie stands head and shoulders above other executive coaches and leadership development specialists I’ve worked with over the years. I’ve had coaching with Jackie personally, and she’s worked with my executive teams at two businesses I’ve run.
    When coaching me she pushes hard to find the real truth and the real me, and holds me to account to be truly authentic in my leadership and in my development. When working with my teams its been common for people to comment that it is by the far the best leadership development they’ve ever had. It’s always evident that this comes from Jackie’s deep academic and experience base, from which she draws on just the right tool or concept to bring about the insight and learning that will enhance leadership effectiveness and business results.

  • 1fe05f13ab24464bb8e7cfb1f36b76e7?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Emily Matthews

    My goals for coaching were to focus on developing my confidence to coach and lead my team and develop my strategic leadership. The process was thought provoking, at times challenging and always reflective. The style of our sessions and follow up work allowed me to explore new ideas and concepts, put them into practice and reflect before our next catch up.

  • 607021bc850b1068bd1d4e39a9a4607b?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Heather Price

    Jackie is a smart, thoughtful and challenging coach. I have worked with her over the last two years and she adds great value . She listens very carefully, helps you crystallise your thoughts and provides a laser focus lens on addressing underlying drivers which are standing in the way of you optimising your leadership effectiveness. Highly recommended

  • a3f91f986004017ef43afa11f814605a?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Marlene Krasovitsky

    Working with Jackie has been an enlightening and positive process. Jackie is supportive, insightful and highly skilled. Knowing the right questions to ask, knowing how to go deeper, knowing how to help me reframe and try other perspectives has been transformational. I am deeply appreciative of the time I have had with Jackie.


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