Tag Archives: ProfessionalGrowth

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome: Brain Hacks Every Manager Needs to Know Have you ever found yourself sitting in a high-stakes meeting, surrounded by accomplished colleagues, and suddenly felt a wave of insecurity? Like, you don’t belong there? Like, what

How to become a better Leader

What do I need to know about being a good leader? The new generation of leaders are raised on rapid change, technology and the expectation of a team-based, collaborative environment and the manager / employee relationship has become more of

The Benefits of Hiring an Executive Coach

Since the beginning of 2020, we have entered into times of great change and uncertainty. Even now with countries out of lockdown, it’s more important than ever to lead with strength and lead your team through the next stage of

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching is becoming an increasingly popular way for organisations to develop their leaders, however, many people are not familiar with what Leadership Coaching is or how it can benefit their organisation. Leadership Coaching is a powerful tool that can

Coaching vs Mentoring

Coaching vs Mentoring: The Key Differences Did you start your career thinking that coaching and mentoring are the same thing? Yep. Me too. That’s probably because people often use the words ‘mentoring’ and ‘coaching’ interchangeably. Even now, one of the