Beatrice Boots

Beatrice Boots Canva 2





2 Reviews on “Beatrice Boots”

2 reviews
  • 733e3491c8f51de1db1244408b4a1442?s=80&d=mm&r=g

    Béatrice’s soul readings, with their beautiful cards, give you clarity about things in your life that are longing for your attention. During my own reading, she guided me to embrace a slower pace amidst a major life shift.

    This newfound perspective allowed me to see the bigger picture unfolding throughout the year. But most importantly, Béatrice helped me realise that everything I need is already present – forgiveness, acceptance, and abundance all reside within that slower rhythm. And from that space of feeling calmer, the most magnificent possibilities begin to blossom.

    Béatrice’s expertise extends beyond business; her readings offer profound insights on a personal level too. She helped me recognise the synchronicities surrounding me; those little nudges of the universe that show me the way. This newfound awareness helps me to navigate my life’s journey with greater ease and joy, achieving goals without forcing things.

    Thanks to Béatrice’s guidance, I feel I can grow my business in my unique and authentic way, from a place of clarity and confidence.

    1. BeatriceBootsCroppedHappySmileBranding 1 1 uwp avatar thumb
      Beatrice Boots Post author

      It was so beautiful to be able to be of service to you in this way Marjolein. As we’re all 95% unaware of what’s hidden in our subconscious, I love doing the soul readings as they bring to light what’s ready to see the day, and they give the receiver so many insights.

  • 2bc4b73756e736ba958d054203291ea6?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Simon Smith

    Beatrice used an excellent tool to help me grow. The Identi3 personal profiling system introduced perspectives I hadn’t considered before. I gained insights into myself, my thinking on an underlying level and it revealed some trapped behaviours. These new understandings were unexpected but they resonated with me. It felt great when I gained those realisations: I felt more at peace because things made more sense. Drawing on her considerable experience and wisdom, Béatrice adeptly guided me through this process of self-exploration and helped me to structure a plan to make positive changes from my discoveries. I am looking forward to exploring more to grow further on my personal path of empowerment and transformation.

    1. BeatriceBootsCroppedHappySmileBranding 1 1 uwp avatar thumb
      Beatrice Boots Post author

      I’m so happy to be of service to you Simon and walk besides you on your path of personal development! Identi3 is a personal profiling tool that’s a very beneficial tool to see your strengths and weaknesses, I’m so glad it helped you so much.


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