KMentors Group Coaching Services

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8 Reviews on “KMentors Group Coaching Services”

8 reviews
  • 859eb0807f3def4fc1c025bacc69bee5?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Thomas Cummings

    After accepting a redundancy in early 2018, I worked with Rebekah to re-evaluate my career goals and what I wanted to do next. I was considering re-skilling and a possible career change but had no real direction to follow. Rebekah’s assistance was invaluable. She was able to help me see that I was looking to work for an employer whose values matched my own; that the “why” of my role was just as important, if not more so, than the “what”. Armed with this knowledge of self, I accepted a role with a client radically different to anyone I had worked with before, and almost three years later I couldn’t be happier. I can’t recommend Rebekah highly enough. Her insight, clarity and compassion for my situation helped me take the steps that have drastically enhanced my working life.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Thomas, I am so pleased you gained the clarity and confidence to transition to a role that really speaks to your values. Thank you for your feedback, it’s really appreciated.

    2. 9fbd6de88ef4ec1d93a41bf447716ea5?s=80&d=mm&r=g
      Jenny Field

      Rebekah from the very first session online I could feel and see your presence and I experienced a deep sence of feeling heard and seen. You gently tracked my concerns and experience of feeling wounded after a recent redundancy, and supported me to hear and attend to my inner wisdom that has supported me to begin a new employment journey. You kept me accountable to my goals and intentions whilst holding space for me emotionally. You are a special coach and human and anyone connecting with you will experience positive shifts and reconnection to themselves.

      1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
        Rebekah Kittl Post author

        Thank you Jenny for the kind feedback. I wish you every success with your career and future aspirations.

  • 9f3d78ce3e2c526887e85d781d07dae3?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Hala Atwa

    Thank you for coaching me Rebekah. I appreciate your ability to create a space for me to tap into my abilities and unlock a clearer pathway through my leadership challenges. I would recommend working with Rebekah, through her coaching I have found ways to unlock my untapped potential and to grow professionally. Like any great coach, she is working with you in partnership and her methods provide you with the skills you need.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Thank you Hala, it was a privilege to coach you and see you grow in your role

  • 030389dd31c975e2a4b2ad5cb9e6b883?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Wendy Mayer

    I can highly recommend Rebekah even after the first coaching session which gave me clarity around the goals I was trying to achieve and the steps I needed to take to get there.

    Rebekah’s style as a coach helped to clear away the ‘white noise’ to get to the core of the issue and I will certainly not be hesitating to book my next professional coaching session with her.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Thank you Wendy, appreciate you sharing your experience and how coaching gave you the clarity to move forward

  • b60a6f898383f9be72d4bf5cd9db6118?s=80&d=mm&r=g

    Rebekah is a great coach and guided me through the development of action plans to enable me to become a better leader. She is a great listener and helped me understand my challenges and how I can overcome them. I always felt calmer and more clarity after our sessions.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Thank you Ellona, it’s been a joy to coach you and see you transform the way you lead

  • 0ca34ebd81834867b1f94d9bc5d3eb5a?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Trevor Harding

    I had the pleasure of working with Rebekah as my career coach. Her personalised guidance and support was invaluable. Even though it’s been some time after completing our coaching sessions I still find myself reflecting on some of the insights she provided. These insights continue to aid me in my day-to-day tasks and play a significant role in guiding my professional growth. If you’re searching for a dedicated and effective career coach, Rebekah is the one to trust!

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Trevor, thank you for contributing your review, it’s really appreciated. It’s heartening to hear that your coaching insights are still resonating with you and continuing to guide you to achieve your goals.

  • bc5c7592e0027b59604a325b74d4e96c?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Cressida Batterham-Wilson

    Rebekah was a wonderful coach.
    Over a series of sessions, we dove into some complex frames of mind which were blockers to positive action. Through having Rebekah as a coaching partner, I was supported to recognise how to bring together to some pretty disparate thinking, and navigate through this to help me arrive at a clear and unified frame of reference, which accorded with my values. I am better prepared to take positive action in my workplace, and grateful for the offer of further coaching if needed.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Dear Cressida, thank you for your feedback and insights. Pleased to hear that your coaching experience helped shift your mindset to align with your values. Wish you all the best!

  • 99cdc35ec6e87d4430278381a69c054c?s=80&d=mm&r=g

    Rebekah Kittl is an accomplished coach who helped me realise the core values motivating the roles I enjoy, and thus prioritise organisations and leaders I wish to work with. Resulting in a successful job offer with a company I love while giving me the space to drive innovation. Rebekah is a pleasure to work with and a gifted, insightful relator. I will absolutely be working with her again as I develop in my career. Highly recommend.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Dear Carolyn, it was a delight to coach you through your career goals and aspirations and wish you every success in your role.

  • cea24e3294bc4cb3cfa9d9a888e1eab1?s=80&d=mm&r=g

    It was such a pleasure working with Rebekah. I decided to seek some coaching as I entered a new leadership role, to help me focus my thoughts and plan my actions. The time we spent together was always so valuable, I can only describe it as short circuiting some realisations and clarity of the pathway forward that may have taken many weeks or months for me to reach ‘in my own head’. The practise of talking it out, and trying to verbalise complex thoughts or emotions provides such clarity. Rebekah expertly asked just the right questions to guide me to where I needed to go, and to make the realisations and decisions I needed to make. Rebekah is highly attuned to prompting insights into emotional drivers of behaviour, which when identified makes the next step forward seem so natural and right. I would highly recommend working with Rebekah no matter where you are at on your leadership journey.

    1. C0A3262 low res uwp avatar thumb
      Rebekah Kittl Post author

      Thank you Beth for taking the time to write your kind supportive feedback. I am so pleased to see you had such a positive experience and wish you every success in your leadership journey.


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