Tag Archives: #ConnectingClientstoCoaches

Is leading in ambiguity like playing footy?

Being back in Vanuatu when it was hit by two consecutive Category 4 cyclones in 72 hours (which was apparently a first), got me a front row seat for leading in uncertainty. I watched my colleague and friend push through

Master the 4 Skills of Emotional Agility and Unlock Your Leadership Potential and Succeed in Your Personal and Professional Life!

Prioritising the development of emotional agility is essential for any leader’s development journey. When you develop emotional agility, you can better manage your emotions, adapt to change, and achieve your goals. Whether you’re leading a team or working as an

Your Personal Perspective

I recall sitting in my office on a summer afternoon with the thunder rolling outside and the grey cloud threatening another downpour, and I was reminded of how vulnerable we are, but also of how much we can influence our

6 Ways to Create Wealth in 2023!

Creating wealth doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, there are a number of simple strategies you can use to start building wealth today. From automating your finances to investing in real estate, these five methods can help you begin

Appreciating Your XYZ Employees

In most businesses today, employees belong to one of four generations, which means leaders face the challenge of balancing the various needs, views and work styles across each generation with their own needs, goals and demands of the business. One