Carolyn Apostolou Coaching

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9 Reviews on “Carolyn Apostolou Coaching”

9 reviews
  • dcd53803e8dca1754a6a257e9829da99?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Debbie Key

    I’ve had the privilege of working with Carolyn over the last 12 months and to say she has changed my life is an understatement.

    Carolyn brings passion and genuine care to every conversation and leaves you with such a sense of empowerment, you feel you can take on the world! She provides you with a wealth of knowledge and experience delivered in a generous, authentic and nurturing manner, even the challenges and nudges (as needed!), that inspires you to achieve your desired outcomes.

    Carolyn’s holistic approach to health and wellbeing has allowed me to live and work to my full potential. Thank-you Carolyn for your inspiration and ongoing support.

  • 6608df567878b7a121740e17a373a907?s=80&d=mm&r=g

    I’d like to thank you for your coaching sessions over the past 6 weeks.

    When I first approached you, I was suffering from late-night sleep, tossing and turning at night and waking up feeling like a zombie every day. I could not bring myself to get out of bed and go to work on time. I also had no energy during the day. With your experienced coaching and the introduction of Doterra essential oils, you have helped me sleep like a baby and wake up feeling amazing every day!

    Thanks so much, I couldn’t have done it without you.

  • 88ceb3c9370115912344d61ebff0f413?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Narelle Johnson

    Carolyn presented on the topic “Looking after your mental health whilst working from home” to our corporate team. Carolyn has a wealth of knowledge and is articulate and genuinely passionate about helping her clients maximise their health and wellbeing. Carolyn made some excellent recommendations of simple and practical ways our team could support their mental health and the feedback from the team was “great insights and ideas”, “very helpful”, “great tips and new habits” and “thanks for organising the session it was great, and just what we needed”. I highly recommend Carolyn for Corporate sessions to provide teams with strategies to improve their health and wellbeing.

  • c8c59453d2799bc2786e15d0d407015f?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Ed Johnson

    Carolyn is amazing – we have just been blessed by her tremendous presentation to our online team. Carolyn was engaging, informative, on-point, warm and very practical. What are great way to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace, and give our teams space to explore this important area of our individual and corporate life.

  • b10d78d66849d4ea93bc6d946f57b9c5?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Paula Lambert

    I first met Carolyn on LinkedIn and I saw her wellness program there. I wasn’t 100% sure it was for me and was skeptical at first. When we met in person I felt a sense of calmness and ease talking to Carolyn and that really helped me to fully commit to a coaching program. I met with Carolyn every fortnight for the duration of the program and I really loved our interactions. She helped me to recognise limiting beliefs within myself, use essential oils in my daily practice and how to create and keep a more fulfilling well rounded healthier lifestyle. I really enjoyed talking, working, and being supported by Carolyn that I will be coming back again to her.

  • d8db60a65daeb85793d50b804e5e3955?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Lechae Dolan

    My team have been in lockdown in Melbourne for 18 months now with a few months here and there back as a team in the office. It is a struggle to keep them up beat and all focussed so we sort the expertise of Carolyn to give them some tools to work with while we continue to work from home in challenging circumstances in our Industry.
    Carolyn is very positive and shares her wealth of knowledge about Mental Wellbeing, Importance of Diet and Exercise and Keeping the Separation between Work and Home life. It was a great reminder to set ourselves goals for each day and to remember our own wellbeing when we can get so caught up in constant work and poor habits.
    Thanks again Carolyn we really appreciate your time and highly recommend your sessions.

  • 5b5c44157a1e2c3187aa8c349f122e5c?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Josephine Amore

    Having a large team we had to spilt the Online Mental Health Workshop into 6 workshops over three days. Carolyn’s enthusiasm and caring nature was fresh at each workshop. Carolyn shared great habits that I believe each person was able to take one habit on board and implement. It was nice to take a break from work and be reminded to take care of ourselves and others.

    Highly recommend Carolyn for your next team workshop.

  • 3d054194c38e6109703568fbf7128d93?s=80&d=mm&r=g

    Carolyn shared her tips and tricks to our team on mental wellbeing. There were some great ideas and the team got so much out of it. We are all committing to one of the 5 habits to improve our wellbeing in and outside of the workplace. Thanks so much Carolyn!

  • 9c6d0a41356d69cc35e50b483c048586?s=80&d=mm&r=g
    Carla Egan

    Carolyn certainly walks her talk and is a model for self care. A raw combination with a background in psychology and coaching, Carolyn provides practical tips and helps you creates a compelling reason for making a positive change.


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