Tag Archives: #HealthyHabits

6 Strategies for Maintaining Energy and Activity Throughout Your Day

Let’s face it…with our demanding work schedules, it’s easy to find ourselves glued to our chairs for long stretches of time 😩 But don’t worry, I’ve got your back 🙋🏻‍♀️ Today, I want to share some simple and effective strategies

How to Live a Healthier Life?

Did you know that by making a few simple lifestyle changes, you can live a healthier life? According to recent studies, making small changes can help reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes

I’m a firm believer that whatever you get in life is simply a result of your daily habits ✔️

I’m a firm believer that whatever you get in life is simply a result of your daily habits ✔️ As a coach, I see it time and time again…🙋‍♀️ Very often, what stands in the way between a person’s journey